Thursday, August 23, 2012
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
New face for the site
In preparation for the Kickstarter launch (stay tuned), I've redone the look of the site. Feel free to use the graphic of Calli that appears there under the same CC license as the rest of the site.You know, like if you want to put up posters around town or something ;-)
Saturday, July 28, 2012
I'm putting together a Kickstarter project to see if I can fund the editing costs of the novel. I'm working hard on it, partly because my trial to Camtasia runs out soon. Here's a bookmark I designed as a give-away. The other side will have some selected glossary entries.
Thanks to all the Flattrers!
Thanks to all the Flattrers!
![]() Life Artificial by David Eubanks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. |
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Proposed Nova cover
I changed the font to one called "System," which was too good to pass up. I will edit Jacob to be the same. Here's the 25% image--one of the first macro photos I took.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Cover Art for Jacob
I played around with some plant images for a cover for the Jacob Continuation novel. It's on the site. Here's a smaller version. My daughter doesn't like the text.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Update for 5/16/2012
I'm nearing completion of the rewrite to Part One. Aside from cleaning up little details, this is a major expansion that turns it into a full-length stand-alone novel. It's currently around 65,000 words (up from 45,000). The new material answers a lot of unresolved questions about what happens to some of the main characters, like the Goodsons and Stevenson1111.
In other news, I've begun using the workshop site to chronicle changes to versions of the installments as they are edited and refined into what will (finally) be the polished form that I can call done. For example, I made a small change to Jacob's Continuation, and hyperlinked the edition number on the main site to the workshop page that describes it. That will help keep me sane(ish), and let readers see what the diffs are without reading the whole damned thing again.
Nova's Continuation is with the editor, and it will be the first part finished.
I'm looking forward to getting Part One done and moving on to the new phase of the story, where things get really interesting.
Oh, and I think I'm going to design covers for the main sequence using the hex theme that's on the main page, but use colors in the order of the spectrum ROYGBIV. Since Parts 2-4 will all be one novel, that gives me five more books before I run into UV. I'm not sure what to do about covers for the Continuation pieces. Suggestions are welcome.
In other news, I've begun using the workshop site to chronicle changes to versions of the installments as they are edited and refined into what will (finally) be the polished form that I can call done. For example, I made a small change to Jacob's Continuation, and hyperlinked the edition number on the main site to the workshop page that describes it. That will help keep me sane(ish), and let readers see what the diffs are without reading the whole damned thing again.
Nova's Continuation is with the editor, and it will be the first part finished.
I'm looking forward to getting Part One done and moving on to the new phase of the story, where things get really interesting.
Oh, and I think I'm going to design covers for the main sequence using the hex theme that's on the main page, but use colors in the order of the spectrum ROYGBIV. Since Parts 2-4 will all be one novel, that gives me five more books before I run into UV. I'm not sure what to do about covers for the Continuation pieces. Suggestions are welcome.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Jacob's Continuation
I posted a full-length novel last week, and forgot to mention it on the blog. It fills in the gap between parts 3 and 4 of the main sequence. I had a blast writing it. If you've ever read John D. MacDonald, you may see an influence in parts.
I'm currently working on turning Part One into a full novel, tying up loose ends and actually showing Calli's transition to employment with Sevens. I got great feedback from my editor (Paul Witcover), and we both agreed this was the best solution. While I'm doing that, he's picked up with The Continuation of Nova, so that may be the first one to appear as a finished ebook on the vendors' virtual shelves.
I've also written the first two of several articles for on the reasoning behind some of the principles that appear in the novel(s). I'm trying to figure out my optimal caffeine input rate to get maximum writing done per day.
I've also written the first two of several articles for on the reasoning behind some of the principles that appear in the novel(s). I'm trying to figure out my optimal caffeine input rate to get maximum writing done per day.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Audio format
One of my dear readers, relet, has created an audio version of Part One. I love the VOX settings--it's far better than if I had read it. Downloadable here (start at the bottom). I will also post this link on the main site. Thanks relet--this is very cool!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
First Attempt at Amazon Publishing
As a first foray into electronic publishing, I posted "The Promise of a Kiss" on Amazon's Kindle store. It's very easy to do so. I was surprised that there seems to be no way to actually charge nothing for an item. Maybe I missed something. The lowest price one can stick on a piece is 99 cents, at a 30% royalty rate.
Here's the link.
If you read the story and feel like leaving a review, go for it. The license hasn't changed, and you can still download it for free from the site. I even made a zipped .epub of it.
Here's the link.
If you read the story and feel like leaving a review, go for it. The license hasn't changed, and you can still download it for free from the site. I even made a zipped .epub of it.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
CC changes, Flattr, Workbench
Thanks for the recent correspondence and comments. I learned about Flatter and set up an account, so you can buy me a cup of coffee if you feel so inclined. Don't get too inclined or you might fall over. [update: thanks for my first Flattr!]
Other changes include a quick correction to my embarrassing misspelling of 'emygdala -> emygdale' in Part One e2.0. I have no explanation for how that happened. I've now posted the edition number on the home page. The other change from 2.0 to 2.1 (other than that one spelling) is the licence, which is now more liberal. It allows share-alike non-commercial derivative works as long as they make attribution. As I work through the other pieces in preparation for handing off to the editor, I'll do the same with them. I also added .doc format, which might be easier to manipulate that html or pdf for some purposes.
In the vein of derivative works, I grabbed the blogspace a while back, and may start using it as a sketchpad for ideas and also to post other bits and pieces that would be considered non-canonical with regard to the story trunk. This would include the screenplay I wrote and many pages of god-mode text in the original prose versions, as well as tossing out some ideas for the sequels. This needs to be in a discrete space because it would contain possible spoilers. This is just an idea at this point. Feedback would be appreciated.
One possible project for this workbench space is a rewrite of "Canman". This novella-length piece is referred to in "Nova's Continuation" as a kind of holy book for the Continuation. I wrote it a long time ago, but it would need a lot of attention to fulfill that purpose. If there's a writer out there with a bent toward political philosophy, have at it. I reserve the right to "bless" derivative works as canonical or not, purely for my own sanity. You're free to ignore these classifications.
Other changes include a quick correction to my embarrassing misspelling of 'emygdala -> emygdale' in Part One e2.0. I have no explanation for how that happened. I've now posted the edition number on the home page. The other change from 2.0 to 2.1 (other than that one spelling) is the licence, which is now more liberal. It allows share-alike non-commercial derivative works as long as they make attribution. As I work through the other pieces in preparation for handing off to the editor, I'll do the same with them. I also added .doc format, which might be easier to manipulate that html or pdf for some purposes.
In the vein of derivative works, I grabbed the blogspace a while back, and may start using it as a sketchpad for ideas and also to post other bits and pieces that would be considered non-canonical with regard to the story trunk. This would include the screenplay I wrote and many pages of god-mode text in the original prose versions, as well as tossing out some ideas for the sequels. This needs to be in a discrete space because it would contain possible spoilers. This is just an idea at this point. Feedback would be appreciated.
One possible project for this workbench space is a rewrite of "Canman". This novella-length piece is referred to in "Nova's Continuation" as a kind of holy book for the Continuation. I wrote it a long time ago, but it would need a lot of attention to fulfill that purpose. If there's a writer out there with a bent toward political philosophy, have at it. I reserve the right to "bless" derivative works as canonical or not, purely for my own sanity. You're free to ignore these classifications.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Jumbo's Continuation
I'm 6000 words into a novella that will fit between Part 3 and Part 4. It's about Nova and Jumbo and the Continuation. It's quite enjoyable to write. This piece will fill in character development, and make subsequent events more understandable. A limitation of being in Calli's POV all the time is that I can't very well jump into 'God mode' and read Jumbo's thoughts.
You can go straight from part 3 to part 4, just as you can can skip Nova's Continuation between 2 and 3, and the plot should still make sense.
No projected end date for this piece yet.
You can go straight from part 3 to part 4, just as you can can skip Nova's Continuation between 2 and 3, and the plot should still make sense.
No projected end date for this piece yet.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Edits to Part One
In preparation for the sending off Part One to the editor, I went through the manuscript fixing things. The only significant change is a longer and more detailed Prologue. The rest is minor tweaks and fixes. This e2.0 is now posted to the site.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Valentine's Day Story
I wrote a short story set in the Life Artificial world called "The Promise of a Kiss." It's set a few years after the events of the novel, and doesn't involve those characters. You can find it on the site.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
The First Masks?
Apparently, Google is creating something like the mask optics described in the novel. Well, except that they aren't shooting lasers at the retina. Here's the link at CNet News.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Music in Life Artificial
The musician character in the novel (Gloves) composes in micro-tuned scales, and uses other sorts of composition techniques that we might find odd to listen to. In fact, there are hints in the novel that his music is more popular with artificials than with humans. The inspiration for Gloves' music comes largely from Daniel Thompson's blog and correspondence with him about music. He gave me permission to quote for you one of our conversations on the topic. In this exchange I was trying to figure out exactly what sort of music UV could be. Here's the result, condensed from a series of emails into one Q and A. I also added some hyperlinks and did some very minor editing where appropriate.
Me: The idea is that UV is beyond blues in the way that it is to the right of blue on the EM spectrum, and that it uses a microtonal scale. Do you have any creative ideas about what that might look like? Just playing straight blues in 47 tones or something wouldn't be much of a change. Maybe there's an interesting twist to put on it. Heck, maybe something like that already exists. My nephew, who's a drummer, thought maybe UV should be in 19/8 time, and sent me this YouTube video. Maybe he's pulling my leg.
Dan: You describe an interesting concept. I have some ideas that I can just throw out there as part of a brainstorming phase. You can tell me if any of these ideas coincide with what you are thinking, and I can do some more thinking and research. When I think of blues and microtonality, I think of 26 tone equal temperament. It has a minor third that is a little sharper than the septimal minor third (7/6, considered to be a bluesy interval) but still can work as a replacement for the more traditional minor third. To my ear, it would be a good candidate for something that goes beyond blues since it has that minor third that is a little wider than 7/6 and it has some interesting extended scales. I have tried to develop this into something "beyond blues" but haven't yet found any approach that is entirely satisfactory. Another idea is 19 tet. It is capable of some pretty bluesy sounding music. It is also the basis of some theoretical ideas that describe it as the next evolutionary development in tonality with a twelve note diatonic scale that is intended to correspond to the seven note diatonic scale in 12 tet. I think these ideas are deeply flawed. I have never been able to make those ideas work and don't know of anyone else who has either. However, there is an established literature on the subject that could make for interesting historical references and it's always possible that someone in the future could use these ideas successfully. Another idea is if blues relates to seven limit harmony (7/4, 7/6 etc. which are sometimes sung in blues even if the instruments can't play those pitches), then UV could make use of 11 and or 13 limit harmony. In this case, just intonation might be a good choice. Otherwise, large number equal temperaments that approximate those pitches could also work. Another possibility is to take a simple scale (such as a pentatonic justly tuned scale with seven limit intervals like 1, 7/6, 4/3, 3/2, 7/4, 2/1) and use something like Shepherd tones to create ambiguity and sonic illusions so it wouldn't always be clear if the notes are are ascending or descending and it would be possible for the same interval to be heard as two different intervals in different listeners, especially when two or more notes are played at the same time. If the audience is willing to wear biofeedback devices, the relative strengths of the pitches in the notes could be subtly altered to increase or decrease the ambiguity. It could be a collaborative effort to produce an individual experience. These sonic illusions are known to vary according to region and a person's speech patterns, so I could even imagine artificial intelligences interpreting this ambiguous sonic data in different ways.
Here's an interesting video of some microtonal blues music.
Joseph Yasser wrote a book called "A Theory of Evolving Tonality". That was primarily what I was referring to when I wrote about 19 tet. It is a little complex and convoluted. I just mention it case you need to cite any obscure historical precedents. When I wrote about shepard tones, I was thinking of some obscure research where two shepard tones would be played like C and F# (a tritone apart) and the listener would answer whether it was heard as ascending or descending. It turns out that people in different regions seem to have different internal mappings of what notes seem to be higher even when shepard tones are used that make the absolute pitches ambiguous. This could influence speech patterns and accents or be influenced by them. It could also explain why some composers have insisted that certain keys have specific moods, even though others tend to disagree on which key corresponds to which mood. I think other intervals besides the tritone could be made more ambiguous by shifting the relative strengths of the sine waves in shepard tones. One reason I'm interested in microtonal blues scales and intervals is because of difference tones (tones that result from subtracting the frequencies of two tones.) The difference tones that result from many scales are disordered. Although they probably affect the musical experience it is difficult to say how and whether they improve it or not. Blues scales can be less disorganised when it comes to difference tones. For example, the pentatonic scale I mentioned yesterday produces a small set of harmonically related difference tones for adjacent notes, just two per octave. For example, going from 1 to 7/6 produces a difference tone that is equal to 7/6 to 4/3 and 4/3 to 3/2. Going from 3/2 to 7/4 produces the same difference tone as 7/4 to 2 and this tone is a perfect fifth higher than the first difference tone and two octaves below the tonic note. It is speculation on my part, but I think this might be a key reason why "blue tones" seem so natural, even though they are surrounded by other intervals that are more consonant. It is also noteworthy that the harmonic series produces the same difference tone for each set of adjacent intervals so some microtonal blues scales mimic this natural structure. It occurs to me that another way of going beyond blues is to use sympathetic vibrations to accentuate these difference tones. This could be done electronically or with sympathetic strings (like those found on a sitar and other Indian instruments), either on the instruments or in sound boxes away from the stage, perhaps near the speakers or with some other electronic help to magnify the sounds. There is a new experimental instrument called the bazantar that makes good use of sympathetic strings along with very low frequencies. Structural limitations probably prevented Indian instruments from becoming large enough to produce these peculiar sounds. Here are two videos: The Painted Bird, Mark Deutsch playing the bazantar.
Additional Notes
When I first came across Dan's blog, I tried to calculate which micro-tuned scales gave the least error. Any equi-tempered scale has the problem that it can't play an exact major chord. This applies to pianos and any fretted stringed instrument. I created a spreadsheet to consider scales with up to 107 equally-spaced tones in the scale. Note this is geometric, not arithmetic, meaning to get from one note frequency to the next, you multiply by a fixed number (rather than adding some constant). Then I calculated how close one could come to the 3x and 5x frequencies, calculated error and sorted by descending error. Here's a bit of the result.
My error function may not be the best one--it may not correspond to the actual perception of the sounds. But with this simple mathematical metric, 87-tone equi-tempered scales are considerably better than the standard 12-tone scale. If the base frequency is 100Hz, then the closest 'fret' to 300Hz is 138 frets up, with a small negative error. 500Hz is close to the 202nd fret, with a small positive error. 400Hz will be exact in any scale since it's a multiple of two (at fret 174 = 87 + 87). So the major chord produced at frets 138, 174, and 202 would be much closer to an ideal 3:4:5 ratio than with a regular guitar or piano. By a factor of 20 using my metric. Whether your ear could tell the difference is another matter.
In case anyone wants to play with the spreadsheet itself, I've uploaded it here.
Me: The idea is that UV is beyond blues in the way that it is to the right of blue on the EM spectrum, and that it uses a microtonal scale. Do you have any creative ideas about what that might look like? Just playing straight blues in 47 tones or something wouldn't be much of a change. Maybe there's an interesting twist to put on it. Heck, maybe something like that already exists. My nephew, who's a drummer, thought maybe UV should be in 19/8 time, and sent me this YouTube video. Maybe he's pulling my leg.
Dan: You describe an interesting concept. I have some ideas that I can just throw out there as part of a brainstorming phase. You can tell me if any of these ideas coincide with what you are thinking, and I can do some more thinking and research. When I think of blues and microtonality, I think of 26 tone equal temperament. It has a minor third that is a little sharper than the septimal minor third (7/6, considered to be a bluesy interval) but still can work as a replacement for the more traditional minor third. To my ear, it would be a good candidate for something that goes beyond blues since it has that minor third that is a little wider than 7/6 and it has some interesting extended scales. I have tried to develop this into something "beyond blues" but haven't yet found any approach that is entirely satisfactory. Another idea is 19 tet. It is capable of some pretty bluesy sounding music. It is also the basis of some theoretical ideas that describe it as the next evolutionary development in tonality with a twelve note diatonic scale that is intended to correspond to the seven note diatonic scale in 12 tet. I think these ideas are deeply flawed. I have never been able to make those ideas work and don't know of anyone else who has either. However, there is an established literature on the subject that could make for interesting historical references and it's always possible that someone in the future could use these ideas successfully. Another idea is if blues relates to seven limit harmony (7/4, 7/6 etc. which are sometimes sung in blues even if the instruments can't play those pitches), then UV could make use of 11 and or 13 limit harmony. In this case, just intonation might be a good choice. Otherwise, large number equal temperaments that approximate those pitches could also work. Another possibility is to take a simple scale (such as a pentatonic justly tuned scale with seven limit intervals like 1, 7/6, 4/3, 3/2, 7/4, 2/1) and use something like Shepherd tones to create ambiguity and sonic illusions so it wouldn't always be clear if the notes are are ascending or descending and it would be possible for the same interval to be heard as two different intervals in different listeners, especially when two or more notes are played at the same time. If the audience is willing to wear biofeedback devices, the relative strengths of the pitches in the notes could be subtly altered to increase or decrease the ambiguity. It could be a collaborative effort to produce an individual experience. These sonic illusions are known to vary according to region and a person's speech patterns, so I could even imagine artificial intelligences interpreting this ambiguous sonic data in different ways.
Here's an interesting video of some microtonal blues music.
Joseph Yasser wrote a book called "A Theory of Evolving Tonality". That was primarily what I was referring to when I wrote about 19 tet. It is a little complex and convoluted. I just mention it case you need to cite any obscure historical precedents. When I wrote about shepard tones, I was thinking of some obscure research where two shepard tones would be played like C and F# (a tritone apart) and the listener would answer whether it was heard as ascending or descending. It turns out that people in different regions seem to have different internal mappings of what notes seem to be higher even when shepard tones are used that make the absolute pitches ambiguous. This could influence speech patterns and accents or be influenced by them. It could also explain why some composers have insisted that certain keys have specific moods, even though others tend to disagree on which key corresponds to which mood. I think other intervals besides the tritone could be made more ambiguous by shifting the relative strengths of the sine waves in shepard tones. One reason I'm interested in microtonal blues scales and intervals is because of difference tones (tones that result from subtracting the frequencies of two tones.) The difference tones that result from many scales are disordered. Although they probably affect the musical experience it is difficult to say how and whether they improve it or not. Blues scales can be less disorganised when it comes to difference tones. For example, the pentatonic scale I mentioned yesterday produces a small set of harmonically related difference tones for adjacent notes, just two per octave. For example, going from 1 to 7/6 produces a difference tone that is equal to 7/6 to 4/3 and 4/3 to 3/2. Going from 3/2 to 7/4 produces the same difference tone as 7/4 to 2 and this tone is a perfect fifth higher than the first difference tone and two octaves below the tonic note. It is speculation on my part, but I think this might be a key reason why "blue tones" seem so natural, even though they are surrounded by other intervals that are more consonant. It is also noteworthy that the harmonic series produces the same difference tone for each set of adjacent intervals so some microtonal blues scales mimic this natural structure. It occurs to me that another way of going beyond blues is to use sympathetic vibrations to accentuate these difference tones. This could be done electronically or with sympathetic strings (like those found on a sitar and other Indian instruments), either on the instruments or in sound boxes away from the stage, perhaps near the speakers or with some other electronic help to magnify the sounds. There is a new experimental instrument called the bazantar that makes good use of sympathetic strings along with very low frequencies. Structural limitations probably prevented Indian instruments from becoming large enough to produce these peculiar sounds. Here are two videos: The Painted Bird, Mark Deutsch playing the bazantar.
Additional Notes
When I first came across Dan's blog, I tried to calculate which micro-tuned scales gave the least error. Any equi-tempered scale has the problem that it can't play an exact major chord. This applies to pianos and any fretted stringed instrument. I created a spreadsheet to consider scales with up to 107 equally-spaced tones in the scale. Note this is geometric, not arithmetic, meaning to get from one note frequency to the next, you multiply by a fixed number (rather than adding some constant). Then I calculated how close one could come to the 3x and 5x frequencies, calculated error and sorted by descending error. Here's a bit of the result.
My error function may not be the best one--it may not correspond to the actual perception of the sounds. But with this simple mathematical metric, 87-tone equi-tempered scales are considerably better than the standard 12-tone scale. If the base frequency is 100Hz, then the closest 'fret' to 300Hz is 138 frets up, with a small negative error. 500Hz is close to the 202nd fret, with a small positive error. 400Hz will be exact in any scale since it's a multiple of two (at fret 174 = 87 + 87). So the major chord produced at frets 138, 174, and 202 would be much closer to an ideal 3:4:5 ratio than with a regular guitar or piano. By a factor of 20 using my metric. Whether your ear could tell the difference is another matter.
In case anyone wants to play with the spreadsheet itself, I've uploaded it here.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Next Steps
Here's what's next for Life Artificial.
I've signed an agreement with Paul Witcover, a successful author and editor, among other things. Check out his book Tumbling After on Amazon. We are set to begin the editing and revising process within a couple of months, after Paul wraps up some current projects. In the meantime, he sent me a preliminary edit of the introductory section in Part One, where Sevens walks brazenly out the city gates into the Outs. Paul's comments and insights led me to a significantly better (in my opinion) re-write of that section. I'm about half-way going through Part One, fixing errors of all types, and trying to improve clarity. When that's finished I will post it on the site with a new edition number (the little e2.0 just under the cover graphic).
We plan to proceed through each part in turn. I welcome any suggestions for improvement from anyone reading this. For more perspective on how books get made, you might be interested to read Charles Stross's essay "How Books are Made," found on his blog. Stross is the author of some serious sci-fi, like Halting State as well as wickedly clever lighter fare like The Atrocity Archives. Anyone who's ever worked in a corporate environment will appreciate his portrayal of the HR department as an antagonist. You may have noticed my coda on that theme in Part Two, when Calli describes the Deyati experiments.
Anyway, if you read the Stross essay, you'll see that Life Artificial is currently a manuscript. Once it's been professionally edited and fixed up, we can call it a finished work. My current plans are to offer it as an ebook on Amazon for $.99US or $1.99US (thoughts?). I plan to keep the licensing the same, so no one is actually obligated to buy the book.
If I went through a traditional publishing house, a hardcover might sell for $20 a copy, of which I'd make maybe $2. In return I'd get the marketing and distribution power of the publisher, but lose certain rights too. But beyond the economic factors, self-publishing and retaining control is very attractive to me. The reality of the Internet is that anything that can be reproduced digitally can be gotten for free if you're willing to work hard enough to find it. It seems smart to me to be the single best provider of that (free) content, with pointers to the (cheap) ebook version at Amazon. Being able to download in ebook format and read on a Kindle is a somewhat better experience than reading off a computer, and I hope that a large fraction of readers are willing to spring for buck or two to upgrade. If I can at least pay for the editing cost, I'll be happy. This is not a money-making enterprise for me.
Some of the changes betwixt manuscript and finished work will probably include tweaking some character names. One particular name that I got stuck with is "Lisa/86," whose character grew into something different from my original conception. Given her cultural heritage, the name doesn't make much sense. If you have suggestions on this or any other matters like plot continuity, questions about the world that might help flesh it out, character development, or anything else, please email me or leave a comment. I've thought about the idea of including some artwork. Thoughts on that? If there's an artificial intelligence out there reading this, I'd particularly like to hear from you. :-)
As to the future of the Life Artificial world, I have several projects in mind. There is a work called Canman referenced in Nova's Continuation that actually exists. I wrote it years ago, and it has some back story clues, like where 'vorking' came from, and who the Preacher is. I would have to work hard to get this particular (novella-length) manuscript in shape. What I'd rather do is write a shortish piece to fill in the story of Jumbo and Nova. One of the restrictions of the "log file" medium I've chosen is that I can't randomly pop into other points of view if Calli couldn't reasonably be ghosting that person. So a novella that fills in what happened after Nova's Continuation seems logical, and would be fun to write. I won't speculate about other possibilities that would be spoilers for the plot, but they exist too. I'm not sure if anyone will want to read it, but I intend to keep writing about this whirl for a while.
I really appreciate the readers who've made it this far with me. Your occasional notes and comments (positive or negative) keep me going. That and the characters themselves, who sometimes keep me awake at night with their conversations in my head...
Best wishes to all,
I've signed an agreement with Paul Witcover, a successful author and editor, among other things. Check out his book Tumbling After on Amazon. We are set to begin the editing and revising process within a couple of months, after Paul wraps up some current projects. In the meantime, he sent me a preliminary edit of the introductory section in Part One, where Sevens walks brazenly out the city gates into the Outs. Paul's comments and insights led me to a significantly better (in my opinion) re-write of that section. I'm about half-way going through Part One, fixing errors of all types, and trying to improve clarity. When that's finished I will post it on the site with a new edition number (the little e2.0 just under the cover graphic).
We plan to proceed through each part in turn. I welcome any suggestions for improvement from anyone reading this. For more perspective on how books get made, you might be interested to read Charles Stross's essay "How Books are Made," found on his blog. Stross is the author of some serious sci-fi, like Halting State as well as wickedly clever lighter fare like The Atrocity Archives. Anyone who's ever worked in a corporate environment will appreciate his portrayal of the HR department as an antagonist. You may have noticed my coda on that theme in Part Two, when Calli describes the Deyati experiments.
Anyway, if you read the Stross essay, you'll see that Life Artificial is currently a manuscript. Once it's been professionally edited and fixed up, we can call it a finished work. My current plans are to offer it as an ebook on Amazon for $.99US or $1.99US (thoughts?). I plan to keep the licensing the same, so no one is actually obligated to buy the book.
If I went through a traditional publishing house, a hardcover might sell for $20 a copy, of which I'd make maybe $2. In return I'd get the marketing and distribution power of the publisher, but lose certain rights too. But beyond the economic factors, self-publishing and retaining control is very attractive to me. The reality of the Internet is that anything that can be reproduced digitally can be gotten for free if you're willing to work hard enough to find it. It seems smart to me to be the single best provider of that (free) content, with pointers to the (cheap) ebook version at Amazon. Being able to download in ebook format and read on a Kindle is a somewhat better experience than reading off a computer, and I hope that a large fraction of readers are willing to spring for buck or two to upgrade. If I can at least pay for the editing cost, I'll be happy. This is not a money-making enterprise for me.
Some of the changes betwixt manuscript and finished work will probably include tweaking some character names. One particular name that I got stuck with is "Lisa/86," whose character grew into something different from my original conception. Given her cultural heritage, the name doesn't make much sense. If you have suggestions on this or any other matters like plot continuity, questions about the world that might help flesh it out, character development, or anything else, please email me or leave a comment. I've thought about the idea of including some artwork. Thoughts on that? If there's an artificial intelligence out there reading this, I'd particularly like to hear from you. :-)
As to the future of the Life Artificial world, I have several projects in mind. There is a work called Canman referenced in Nova's Continuation that actually exists. I wrote it years ago, and it has some back story clues, like where 'vorking' came from, and who the Preacher is. I would have to work hard to get this particular (novella-length) manuscript in shape. What I'd rather do is write a shortish piece to fill in the story of Jumbo and Nova. One of the restrictions of the "log file" medium I've chosen is that I can't randomly pop into other points of view if Calli couldn't reasonably be ghosting that person. So a novella that fills in what happened after Nova's Continuation seems logical, and would be fun to write. I won't speculate about other possibilities that would be spoilers for the plot, but they exist too. I'm not sure if anyone will want to read it, but I intend to keep writing about this whirl for a while.
I really appreciate the readers who've made it this far with me. Your occasional notes and comments (positive or negative) keep me going. That and the characters themselves, who sometimes keep me awake at night with their conversations in my head...
Best wishes to all,
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Part Four is downloadable from the site
If' you're looking for a soundtrack, the music I most listened to while writing it is the soundtrack from The Fountain.
I will post tomorrow on what's next.
I will post tomorrow on what's next.
Friday, January 13, 2012
The draft of Part Four is finished.
This is the largest of the installments so far. The version I have is in pretty good shape, mainly because I didn't write much of it on the iPad (and have to go back and fix lots of typos). An ever bigger factor is that I was able to rapidly write the last two thirds of it, so it already flows nicely. I've noticed a funny thing about motivation. During the writing of the previous part, I set myself a goal of 800 words a day. And if you look at the log, it's very close to 800 words a day. This time, I just wrote because it was fun to write. As a result, I wrote much more each day. My best day was 4500 words, I think. On Wednesday of this week I couldn't sleep because of the damned plot line spooking around in my head, and the characters chattering back and forth, so I just got up and wrote until 3:30am. The moral is that intrinsic motivation beats extrinsic motivation. I'd read about that idea here, and it was interesting to experience it first hand.
I want to get the editing done soon so I can post it. I hope it will be up within a week. Thanks for hanging on!
I want to get the editing done soon so I can post it. I hope it will be up within a week. Thanks for hanging on!
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